Higher Education CRM: the essential management tool

The specialist CRM software for Universities, CEGEPs, Colleges and Training Centres

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The solution for managing Higher Education institutions

Eudonet CRM software offers higher education and research institutions a scalable solution designed to meet the needs of any line of work: professional training and advancement, student placement, commercial partnerships, research evaluation.

Management of internships and student placements

Offer your students high quality professional placements and help them launch their careers after graduation.
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Continuing education for alumni and professionals

Offer a range of diploma and certification courses. Simplify on-line processes: submissions, registration, invoicing, etc.
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Student recruitment

Broaden your prospective student intake and optimise efficiency by automating your application, enrolment and selection processes.
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Graduate and alumni network management

Stay in touch with your former students and encourage them to contribute to the growth of your institution.

Foundation and donation management

Manage the donations that allow your institution to carry out innovative work.

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Research and project management

Manage your corporate research and innovation partnerships and oversee each stage of a project: scoping, deadlines, budgets, intellectual property.
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Centralize all your academic and industrial partnerships

Companies, foreign schools, school foundations, Alumni … Make your contacts a development relay with the Eudonet CRM software: donations, sponsorship, student mobility …
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Strengthen communications and optimize your network

With the Eudonet CRM multi-channel communications toolkit you can send the right message to the right contact at the right time! Manage communication with your counterparts, oversee marketing operations for each target audience and measure the impact of your campaigns with ease.

omnichannel communication

Leverage the best possible channels for interacting with your counterparts: text messages, emails, newsletters and direct mailings. Create automated mass mail-outs and analyse their impact.
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Extranet for donor and volunteer relations

Provide a secure document sharing platform. The ideal solution for creating a tailored relationship with each contact.
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Online surveys for feedback collection

Share online surveys via your preferred communications channels to ensure your contacts remain satisfied.
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Facilitate processes for your students and partners with a connected CRM

With Eudonet CRM at the heart of your IT infrastructure you can stay in touch with your counterparts. Capitalize on having a specialist platform to communicate easily with your students and partners, and simplify the steps to accessing your services. Eudonet is a web and mobile daily support solution for your colleagues.

Connected and mobile CRM for on-the-go management

With Eudo Touch, Eudonet CRM offers the portability and flexibility your teams need to work anywhere.
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Your Eudonet is hosted in SaaS mode and is 100% secure. It is maintained and continually updated by our teams and has a 99.99% availability rate.
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Integration via API and web services

With the Eudonet CRM API, you can easily interface with the specialist tools and software in your IT infrastructure.
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Eudo Store for additional features

Ramp up the performance of your Eudonet via the Eudostore. You can activate all the extensions you need in just a few clicks and develop your CRM match your own growth.
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Foster collaboration for more effective academic teams

Foster debate within your higher education institution. By having a single intuitive solution that everyone shares you can develop collaborative ways of working between your various departments. Hence, you will be able to improve your contact knowledge and support.

360° overview of your students and activities

The gist at a glance! Log all your interactions with your contacts directly into your Eudonet CRM.

Easy and intuitive administration

Imagine a CRM that suits you perfectly! Customize your interface, processes and automation.
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Collaborative calendar for better organization

Your teams will have never worked together better! Archive project actions, organise your tasks and appointments, receive notifications for any additions, changes or reminders.
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Shared address book for centralized management

Record contact details and any other important information for your contacts and institutions in a shared centralised database.
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Dashboard and detailed reports

Post your institution’s performance indicators to your dashboard and analyse your results via dynamic report exports.
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Intuitive solution for simplified use

Eudonet’s ergonomic design allows you to easily browse your data during processing and ensure they are of the highest quality.
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CRM pricing for Higher Education

Choose the package thats right for your organisation:


Start off with your contacts

50 $

per month / user *

Implement a system that sets the benchmark in centralising your student, teacher and professional contact. One that allows you to motivate your community of contacts with ease.

The ideal first step solution on your collaborative CRM journey.


To promote your client relationships

90 $

per month / user *


Prospecting campaigns, student recruitment, managing internships and placements, corporate relationship management: greater synergy improves the efficacy of your core lines of work.

Managing your work has never been simpler or more agile.


Put your work at the heart of CRM

130 $

per month / user *


Take things a step further by integrating promotion of research and sales management into your CRM: training brochures, tariffs, bids, invoices,etc.

And develop even more effective digital campaigns using the advanced, automated marketing functionality.

Using CRM for successful growth.


Your institution connected to CRM

170 $

per month / user *


Make your CRM the cornerstone of your institution: Amp up it’s power with the range of options in Eudostore and develop bespoke functionalities integrated with third party tools.

A centralised and ultra-connected CRM.

* User subscriptions are billed annually, with a minimum of 350 $ HT per month

Happy users

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Today, we have a system that is somewhat unique to our sector, one that offers us a consolidated, fine-tuned vision of our partnership working across the entire university in different segments. This is allowing us to work on accurately defining a strategy for our institution.

Emilien Sanchez

Business Partnerships & Continuing Professional Development Coordinator


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