Evaluate your impact

Analyze your key performance indicators via a customizable dashboard

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Our solution helps you evaluate your strategy

Create customized reports with ease

Having an overview of all your indicators is essential for you to be able to adjust your company’s strategy when needed. An up-to-date and comprehensive view of your Key Performance Indicators allows you to manage your actions and better evaluate outcomes. You can customize your Eudonet CRM dashboard. You have a wide range of indicators and graphics available to you: turnover, objectives, “Kanban”, incoming requests, average response times, etc. Select the indicators that are most relevant to your company and measure the impact of your work. You can also interface your Power BI graphics with an extension available to buy in our EudoStore.
Rapports personnalisés

Share your dashboard with your teams

Make any presentation more striking by sharing your dashboard and provide each team member with the same level of information. With Eudonet CRM, you define the information and graphic elements that you wish to share with other database users. The dashboard is 100% secure and you can easily manage read-only and editing rights for all colleagues on all your dashboards. You can also create reports by exporting your dashboard to different formats including Word, Excel, CSV or PDF.
Tableaux de bord personnalisés


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