Design a Eudonet CRM to perfectly meet your needs
Imagine, create, see the results immediately
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Make your Eudonet CRM work for you!
As the CRM project manager for your organization, you need to know that each of your colleagues is able to harness the potential of this toolkit. As the Eudonet CRM software administrator, it’s your job to adapt the CRM solution to the needs and processes of your teams. From the administration console of your Eudonet CRM, you can name tabs in your organization’s language and terminology, set bookmarks and headers and select different display values for your brochures. You can manage everything including help text and sample watermarks in the editable fields.Design your interface to reflect your purpose
Having an easily accessible overview of your entire business is invaluable to encouraging informed decision making. And a tool that allows you to generate multiple prescriptions to adapt to the specific needs of every individual is a major advantage in optimising your relationships with your contacts. You can use the customization interface in your Eudonet CRM to design and build each page, element by element. Use the drag and drop to see your creations take shape in real time.Create hierarchies for improved functionality
Do you handle sensitive data? For security reasons this information needs to remain confidential and inaccessible to one or more categories of colleague. In your Eudonet CRM you can manage data access rights based on a number of criteria: document type (functionality, tab, file, header), or colleague type (individual, group, hierarchical position, role, etc.).Maximize your time by setting up processes
For your organization to work successfully, your day-to-day tasks and the services you offer have their own individual processes. Essential processes for maximum success: time saving, complete information, tracking contact timelines etc. With a Eudonet CRM you can adapt your processes by task and service according to need: conditional assignment, action buttons, mandatory submission, step by step process flow, etc. Everything you need for smooth processes and to optimise team performance.Grow the power of your CRM when you need to
To grow your organization, you expand your offer: your needs change going forward. Does your new service offer or your colleagues’ new job role require new tools or analysis of new performance indicators? Ramp up the power of your Eudonet system with the range of extensions available in our Eudo Store. To broaden the functional settings of your database, you can also add tabs and bookmarks, grids and widgets, and also individual new pages. Make Eudonet CRM a carbon copy of your business.A QUESTION ? CONTACT AN EXPERT!