Eudo API
Connect your Eudonet database to your entire ecosystem!
Eudo API
Connect your Eudonet database to your entire ecosystem!
Your information system is composed of a set of applications that do not necessarily communicate with each other. The Eudonet API has been specially designed to allow you to connect your database with your IT tools. Thanks to a coherent set of secure web services, Eudo API allows you to remotely search, consult and update all the information in your Eudonet database, while respecting the confidentiality rules and access rights defined.
It can be used for :
- Display information contained in Eudonet on additional screens and/or external applications (e.g. website, mobile applications, accounting software or ERP...)
- Collect information on external platforms and save it directly in Eudonet (e.g. information entered in a form on a website that goes back to Eudonet) Eudo API provides methods for authenticating and searching, adding, editing and deleting Eudonet records.
It uses the REST syntax for the construction of call URLs and the JSON format for exchanged content. An essential extension to connect Eudonet to your ecosystem, place your CRM at the heart of the IS and thus simplify your processes!